Undergraduate Research Symposium Recap

Over 300 students, faculty and industry experts from institutions across the state gathered in Pierre on July 25-26, 2018 to participate in the fifth annual SD EPSCoR and SD BRIN Undergraduate Research Symposium and Faculty Meetings. The symposium brought together undergraduate students involved in the NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 project, the South Dakota Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network (SD BRIN) and the other National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) programs in South Dakota to give their required research presentations.
Poster Session Results:
Morning Session:
1st – Andre Schaum – SPACT REU
2nd – Joseph Brett – BIOSNTR
3rd – Sarah Westerman and Tania Rodezno – BRIN Augustana
Afternoon Session:
1st – Sydney Kreutzmann – BRIN Augsutana James Norwood – Sanford underground BHSU REU
2nd – James Norwood – Sanford underground BHSU REU
3rd – Nora Madrigal – SPACT REU