Economic Development
Building South Dakota’s STEM-based Economy
South Dakota FAST Launch
The South Dakota FAST Launch program assists South Dakota entrepreneurs and small businesses with beginning and expanding their business through the South Dakota Giant Vision Competition and SBIR/STTR funding. To be eligible for the South Dakota FAST Launch funds, an entrepreneur or business must register and participate in a boot camp.
Dakota Seeds
Internships for South Dakota businesses. Currently not accepting applications.
Dakota Seeds is an innovative internship program that connects students with employers as a way to help fill temporary workforce needs and establish a pipeline for future permanent employment. Qualifying businesses can receive matching funds up to $2,000 per intern for internships in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields, as well as in manufacturing and accounting.
South Dakota Giant Vision
SD EPSCoR partners with the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Governor’s office on the South Dakota Giant Vision Competition Business and Student competitions. EPSCoR Track-1 researchers and students participate and frequently win the competition.

Economic Outlook Seminar
The annual 2022 Economic Outlook Seminar, hosted by the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce, was Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2022, at the Sioux Falls Convention Center (1201 Northwest Ave.). Registration and a networking social began at 3 p.m. CDT, followed by program presentations from 4-6 p.m. Details for the 2023 annual event will be posted in the spring.