CAREER Proposal Development Workshop

To encourage an increase in CAREER proposal submissions by eligible faculty from all South Dakota institutions of higher education, SD EPSCoR and the SD Board of Regents are cosponsoring a NSF CAREER Proposal Development Workshop. […]

2015 AISES National Conference

The Annual AISES National Conference is a one-of-kind, three-day event focusing on educational, professional and workforce development! Attendees include American Indian high school and college students, educators, professionals, tribal nations and tribal enterprises, universities, corporations, […]

The Governor’s Giant Vision Awards

Dear Entrepreneur: Have you been waiting for the right time to explore a great business idea?  Are you looking for a safe place to explore the idea’s potential with experienced business people and possibly win […]

2016 SBIR Road Tour: August 16

2016 SBIR Road Tour will bring representatives from 15 federal agencies to Sioux Falls to provide overviews of their SBIR & STTR programs and to meet 1-on-1 with interested inventors and tech-based companies. SBIR and STTR programs award over $2.5 billion annually through 5,500 awards to fund research and development (R&D) toward commercialization.

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