FY18 NSF EPSCoR RII Track-2 Proposals Due

Proposals for the NSF's FY18 Research Infrastructure Improvement Track-2 Focused EPSCoR Collaborations (RII T2 FEC) program are due January 26, 2018. RII Track-2 FEC builds interjurisdictional collaborative teams of EPSCoR investigators in scientific focus areas consistent […]

Biotech Video Scholarship Competition Entries Due

SD BIOTECH VIDEO COMPETITION Breakthrough Biotech Video Scholarship Competition WHAT DOES “BIOTECHNOLOGY” MEAN TO YOU? The competition is an annual, statewide opportunity for high school students to explore how biotechnology is a part of their […]

Science at the Pub

Science at the Pub brings Sanford scientist Dr. Kurt Griffin to speak on March 15th at 6 PM at Jim’s Tap, 309 Main Ave. in downtown Brookings. His presentation is titled “Type 1 Diabetes:  Looking beyond […]

Eastern South Dakota Science and Engineering Fair

Science and Engineering Fair Demonstrate your knowledge Where can students explore the world around them with real-life project based learning? At the Eastern South Dakota Science and Engineering Fair, students showcase projects that exhibit not […]

Northern South Dakota Science and Math Fair

Northern State University will host the 35th  Annual Northern South Dakota Science and Mathematics Fair.  The Fair is scheduled for THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 2018 at the NSU Barnett Center.  400-500 young scientists are expected to […]

Science Discovery Day

Since spring of 2011 Sanford Research has hosted over 2700 high school student at the semi-annual Science Discovery Day event. Each fall and spring they invite over 250 students to learn about the passion, experience, […]

High Plains Regional Science and Engineering Fair

The 63rd Annual High Plains Regional Science and Engineering Fair (HPRSEF) will be held on Wednesday, April 4, 2018, on the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology campus. https://www.sdsmt.edu/sciencefair/  

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