Competitive Research Grant RFP

Posted on: February 7, 2023   |   Categories: Announcements, News & Updates
South Dakota Board of Regents

The R&D Innovation Grant program is designed to stimulate economic development by focusing on research and development areas with the highest potential for economic development in South Dakota.

The South Dakota Board of Regents will again sponsor the Competitive Research Grant Program as one of several initiatives designed to strengthen South Dakota’s research competitiveness. Originated in 2005 (formally known as the Individual Seed Grant Program), this program seeks to fulfill South Dakota’s goal for becoming a recognized leader in research and technology development.

The successful expansion of the Governor Research Centers and Ph.D. programs within the Regental system has resulted in the successful growth of research awards and expenditures. In line with these initiatives, the Competitive Research Grant Program is oriented toward increasing research expectations and opportunities for newer faculty, and the intent of this program is to invest in new research faculty to further enhance their research capabilities and capacities.

Through this FY24 Request for Proposals (RFP), the South Dakota Board of Regents solicits applications for research grants to faculty at any of the six institutions in the Regental System.

Six Regental Institutions: Black Hills State University, Dakota State University, Northern State University, South Dakota Mines, South Dakota State University, and University of South Dakota

The amount of support available to fund projects under this program is approximately $435,000; maximum award amount is $90,000. CRP projects are expected to be one year in duration. Ideally, project personnel are in place on the start date or soon thereafter, however, past researchers have experienced delays in enrolling the necessary graduate students thereby compressing the effective length of time available to complete the project. To remedy this, projects will now be 18-months. Researchers must clearly indicate in the project timeline and budget sections which duration they have chosen. If an 18-month award length is chosen, justification must be provided in the project description and two budget forms, one for each fiscal year, must be submitted. Funds may be used to cover salaries, undergraduate and graduate student support, equipment, supplies and infrastructure-related costs.

Tenure track faculty members in the first four years of their faculty appointment are encouraged to apply. Additionally, research faculty on continuing appointment from other than state funding sources that may have new or ongoing research that they would like to pursue are eligible to apply for this grant opportunity.

Preference will be given to proposals in STEM education and workforce development, as well as the research and development areas identified in the South Dakota Science and Innovation Strategic Plan. These include: 1) value-added agriculture and agribusiness; 2) energy and environment; 3) human health and nutrition; 4) information technology and cybersecurity; and 5) materials and advanced manufacturing.

Important Dates

  • Proposal Due Date: Feb. 24, 2023
  • Anticipated Announcement of Awards: Early April 2023

View the FY24 Request for Proposals (RFP)

View this Request for Proposals and other Research reports.