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Deadline: 2019 DOE SBIR/STTR Phase II
January 29, 2019
The DOE invites eligible Phase I and Phase II grantees to apply for Phase II grants (both initial and sequential) under this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA). Topic descriptions for this FOA can be found on the DOE SBIR/STTR web site at http://science.energy.gov/sbir/funding-opportunities/.
The purpose of an Initial Phase II grant is to perform the research and development (R&D) required to meet the DOE objectives stated in the topic and subtopic of the Phase I FOA. In addition, it is intended that the small business grantee would be in a position to pursue commercial applications of the R&D at the end of Phase II. In many cases, Phase II results in a prototype, product, or a working process that can be demonstrated to a potential investor or customer (either in the private sector or in the Federal government, including the DOE).
The purpose of the Phase IIA grant is to allow the grantee to complete the R&D associated with initial prototype, product, or process development. The review criteria (see SECTION V.A.) for Phase IIA applications will be the same as for Initial Phase II grants submitted to this FOA.
The purpose of the Phase IIB grant is to assist the grantee in transitioning the innovation towards commercialization. The review criteria for Phase IIB awards (see SECTION V.A.) will be different from both Initial Phase II and Phase IIA applications submitted to this FOA. The review of Phase IIB applications will place greater emphasis on impact and applicants are expected to demonstrate a well-planned path to commercialization as evidenced in commercialization activities conducted in parallel with or after Phase IIB R&D.