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The Improving Novice Teacher Retention Conference
The Improving Novice Teacher Retention Conference is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF #1758282) as part of the Induction and Mentoring Programs for the Retention of Science Teachers (IMPREST) project.
This conference expands on the findings of four years of empirical research in school districts that focused on science teachers to bring together a national group of school leaders and teachers to examine the induction and mentoring of all novice teachers, and to disseminate both the findings of the research as well as exemplary district practices to a national audience.
Register for the online meeting on Tuesday, June 13.
Registered participants will be able to view sessions and submit questions for speakers in real-time, as well as access the conference videos for 60 days.
**Please note this is for day two of the conference in an online format only**
Conference Agenda for Tuesday, June 13
7:30–8:15 a.m. Welcome and opening remarks
8:15–9:45 a.m. Panel Discussion: Sharing collective wisdom of teacher retention from high-retention districts
10:00–10:45 a.m. Keynote speaker: Tuan Ngyuen, Kansas State University.
11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Keynote speaker (recorded previous day): Julia I. Hazel, Portland Public Schools; Portland, Maine. Cultivating anti-racist professional cultures that support educators of color.
12:00–12:30 p.m. Closing remarks & Next steps, Sandra Adams and Doug Larkin
About the NSF Noyce Improving Novice Teacher Retention Conference
Please visit the conference website for more information: bit.ly/NOYCEConference23
The 5-year IMPREST study is a project aimed at uncovering and publicizing successful practices in supporting novice science teachers, with the aim of increasing retention rates for science teachers nationwide.
Instead of just asking: “Will the first-year teacher stay to become a second-year teacher?” we ask: “What is working in state and district efforts to retain science teachers?”
The IMPREST study focuses on districts in four states: New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and North Carolina. The project goal is to identify school districts where science teachers are successfully being retained, and then go there and investigate why. In particular, the project aims to uncover successful practices that retain teachers of color, teachers in high-need schools, and prior recipients of Noyce Scholarships.
The 2023 NSF Noyce Improving Novice Teacher Retention Conference is the culminating event of the project, and is intended to both disseminate the project’s findings as well as provide an additional venue for the hard-won knowledge and efforts of schools and school districts to be shared with a wider audience.