Governor’s Giant Vision Startup Competition 2024 Application Deadlines

Celebrating 20 Years of Supporting South Dakota Entrepreneurs. Press Release distributed by South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
PIERRE, SOUTH DAKOTA, February 5, 2024. – The South Dakota Chamber of Commerce & Industry reminds individuals of the application deadlines for the 2024 Governor’s Giant Vision Startup Competition. This annual competition exists to foster and reward the entrepreneurial spirit in South Dakotans who vie for prize money to launch their business idea. 2024 marks the 20th year for open competition of this successful program and the 18th year for the student competition.
South Dakota residents with new business ideas are encouraged to enter the Giant Vision open/business competition for a chance to win up to $20,000. South Dakota college/university/technical school students, can enter the Giant Vision student competition and compete for a top prize of $5,000.
Application requirements, FAQs, and a statewide list of organizations that provide application assistance are available at An expanded offering of the FAST Launch Business Boot Camp, presented by South Dakota Biotech and South Dakota EPSCoR, is designed to assist South Dakota entrepreneurs and small businesses with beginning and expanding their business through the Giant Vision Competition and SBIR/STTR funding. Online, on-demand sessions are available. Details at https:/
Giant Vision is open to all South Dakotans. In addition to cash awards, the competition will bring people with new business ideas together with judges and other invited guests who have business development experience and those who have the capacity to make venture investments.
2024 application deadlines are February 23rd for the open/business competition and March 1st for the student competition. Selected qualifiers will compete for prize money Thursday, April 11 in Sioux Falls.
The Governor’s Giant Vision open competition is hosted by the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry and is supported by the following: Governor Kristi Noem’s Office of Economic Development; Black Hills Energy; Christiansen Land & Cattle Ltd.; Dacotah Bank; First PREMIER Bank/PREMIER Bankcard; KELOLAND Media Group; MidAmerican Energy; NorthWestern Energy; Valley Queen Cheese and Wheeler Manufacturing. The Student Competition sponsors are Governor Noem’s Office of Economic Development; Citi and South Dakota EPSCoR.
The Giant Vision Program is chaired by Brad Wheeler, Wheeler Manufacturing, Lemmon, and former South Dakota Chamber Board Chair. The South Dakota Chamber of Commerce & Industry is a public policy and advocacy organization located in Pierre.
South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry
PO Box 190
Pierre, SD 57501