NSF EPSCoR RRI Track 1: Undergraduate Research Experience Grants

Request for Proposals:
South Dakota EPSCoR (SD EPSCoR) hereby solicits grant proposals from NSF EPSCoR Track 1 partner institutions to conduct research or bridge educational experiences for Native American students. Track 1 Summer Institute participant support is available from the EPSCoR office to provide stipends, travel and supplies for Native American students participating in the program. Partner institutions are encouraged to develop and propose research and/or STEM education bridge programs for Native students. Unexpended travel funds will be used to support awards to institutions.
Individuals working at one of the NSF Track 1 partner institutions are eligible to submit applications.
Use of Funds:
Proposals may request summer support for faculty leading the proposed program, travel required to complete the program and indirect costs.
Proposals will be reviewed by the Track 1 Executive Committee. A project start date of January 1, 2024 or later is anticipated. All project activities must be completed by August 31, 2024.
Review criteria will include the following:
- Quality of proposed activity and synergy with Track 1 goals and objectives (40%),
- The number of student participants and impact of the proposed experience (40%).
- Plan to secure external funding to continue program (20%),
A report, summarizing the activity, outcomes and expenditures to date, is due August 31, 2024. All expenditures must be completed and SD EPSCoR invoiced by August 31, 2024. Information needed to pay stipends to participants must be provided prior to the start of the program.
Submission of Proposals:
Proposals must be submitted electronically by the institutions sponsored program office in PDF format to Marcy Olsen at Marcy.Olsen@SDBOR.edu, in the SD EPSCoR office by 5:00 PM (MDT), December 15, 2023.[1] Materials must be single spaced in Times New Roman 12point font with one-inch margins. Proposals must include a signature page with the signature of the PI and the authorized institution’s official. All proposals must contain:
- Cover/Signature Page (1 page)
- Executive Summary (1 page)
- Project Work Plan (2 pages)
- Describe project activities
- Participant recruitment
- Benefits to Track 1 project
- Describe intended publication and presentations of PI and participants
- Describe plans to continue activities.
- Budget and Budget Narrative (approved by your Sponsored Program Office)
- NSF format bio sketches
If applicable, letters of commitment from partners indicating their commitment should be included. Letters of support not making a specific commitment should not be included.
Cover/Signature Page
- Title of Proposal
- Project Dates
- Amount of Funding Requested
- Submitting Institution
- PI (Signature)
- Authorized Official (Signature)
All proposals will be initially reviewed for compliance. Incomplete proposals, or proposals that do not follow the guidelines as specified will be returned for correction and must be resubmitted within 24 hours for full consideration. Proposals failing to meet established requirements after this timeframe will not be considered.