NASA EPSCoR Rapid Response Research (R3) Call for Proposals

2024 NASA EPSCoR Rapid Response Research Funding Opportunity
NASA EPSCoR plans to solicit brief proposals (generally 2-3 pages) to address topics outlined in this document (see pages 38-43 for a brief tabulation of topics).
The FY2024 RFP has not been released, but this document lists the research topics that will be included. The full RFP is scheduled for release in August 2023, with a probable due date in November 2023.
General guidelines based on past announcements:
- Proposals (2-3 pages)
- Maximum funding: $100,000 for a period of one year (possible renewals)
- Proposals must be submitted by the South Dakota NASA EPSCoR Director, Edward Duke
- Researchers seeking information about the research topic should contact the NASA point of contact (POC) for that topic listed in this document (see pages 38-43 for a brief tabulation of topics).
For further information contact:
Edward F. Duke, Director
South Dakota NASA EPSCoR