Recap: 11th Annual Research Symposium

Posted on: August 12, 2024   |   Categories: Announcements, News & Updates
Mel and Dsu Student

Pictured left: Dakota State University (DSU) student, Emelye Josko, describes her research to the Principal Investigator of SD EPSCoR, Mel Ustad, at the poster session on August 1.

BIG thanks to all undergraduate, graduate STEM students, postdocs, faculty, and partners and sponsors from that joined the SD EPSCoR 11th Annual Research Symposium. The impactful presentations, poster sessions and networking opportunities allowed for great conversations.

SD EPSCoR had a wonderful 11th Annual Research Symposium with over 500 attendees over two days on Wednesday, July 31 and Thursday, August 1 at the Sioux Falls Convention Center.

Poster Session 2024

Above: Ariel view of the poster session on August 1 that showcases attendees that are viewing and interacting with those that presented research. 

Thank you to everyone that attended the symposium along with our co-contributor of the event SD BRIN/INBRE, our partners the Sioux Falls Development Foundation and South Dakota Biotech. We could’ve not had an event this big without your support!

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Above: A group of friends with the Sanford Research, SPUR (Sanford Program for Undergraduate Research), captured a selfie moment from August 1.

To view more pictures of the event view here: Symposium Day 1 and Day 2.

Thanks again to each of you for an amazing symposium; we very much appreciated your attendance and research contributions!