Registration for the 11th Annual Research Symposium

Registration is now open for the 11th Annual Research Symposium!
This annual event provides undergraduate & graduate students, along with postdocs the opportunity of participating in break-out sessions, career fair, poster sessions, professional development, and numerous opportunities for networking. The symposium also promotes South Dakota’s graduate programs and STEM employment opportunities.
Undergraduate and graduate STEM students, postdocs, faculty, and industry experts from institutions across the state will gather in-person 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Wednesday, July 31, and 8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 1, at the Sioux Falls Convention Center to participate in the 2024 11th Annual SD EPSCoR Research Symposium. View the agenda.
Students (undergraduate & graduate) and postdocs
- Students & postdocs, please register using this form.
- New: Abstract form is due by Tuesday, July 23.
Teachers (K-12)
Business and Graduate Programs
Block of rooms are available at the Sheraton and Ramada Inn.
Room Block Start Date: Tuesday, July 30, 2024. End Date: Thursday, August 1, 2024.
Lodging is available for only the students who are presenting and the faculty accompanying them. Students and faculty living within 50 miles of Sioux Falls are ineligible for lodging. The registration form asks if you require lodging. Please mark that accordingly and we will add your name to the rooming lists that we will send to the hotels and inform you of the hotel name and address. The deadline for lodging is July 12th.
Students: If you require lodging in Sioux Falls, please check with your research advisor first.
Requirements for Abstracts
- 300 words or fewer
- Contain the context and background information necessary to frame your research.
- Explain the goals of your research. Tell the audience why it is important and relevant.
- Briefly describe the research methods used.
- Add a description of your results along with any relevant data that your audience needs.
- End with a summary of the implications of the study.
Easels and poster boards will be provided for posters. To ensure your poster fits on our boards, please limit poster size to 3’ x 4’ (36” x 48”), landscape orientation. You must print and bring your poster with you.
About the Undergraduate Research Symposium
The SD EPSCoR Undergraduate Research Symposium was established in 2014. It brings together undergraduate students participating in South Dakota’s National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) programs and the REU components of the state’s NASA and DOE EPSCoR and NIH EPSCoR-like programs.
The REU programs provide STEM undergraduate students with the opportunity to participate in a ten-week research experience where they conduct research under the guidance of university faculty. These experiences provide students with the opportunity to gain real-life independent research experience, strengthen their presentation skills, network with other student and faculty researchers, learn about the opportunities for graduate fellowship support from NSF and other federal agencies and learn more about South Dakota’s graduate programs.
The Undergraduate Research Symposium is hosted annually by SD EPSCoR. It is the outgrowth of an idea initially proposed by Dr. Mike West (South Dakota School of Mines and Technology). Since it was first convened, it has grown to include more than 250 attendees and 150 student research presentations.