Research Symposium Registration Now Open

SD EPSCoR will host a free research symposium to highlight undergraduate research in South Dakota.
Undergraduate STEM students, faculty and industry experts from institutions across the state will gather in person on Tuesday, July 25, at the Best Western PLUS Ramkota Hotel (3200 W Maple St) in Sioux Falls to participate in the tenth annual SD EPSCoR Undergraduate Research Symposium.
The symposium will bring together undergraduate students involved in the NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 project and the undergraduate students representing South Dakota’s public, private and tribal universities who are participating in the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) summer research program.
- Agenda — The agenda is tentative and subject to change (last updated July 6, 2023; refresh your browser on the .pdf).
- Student Registration — Please complete asap.
- Student Abstract Form — View the requirements, below. Please upload your abstract by Friday, July 14.
- Audience Registration — for non-student attendees.
Requirements for Abstracts
- 300 words or fewer
- Contain the context and background information necessary to frame your research.
- Explain the goals of your research. Tell the audience why it is important and relevant.
- Briefly describe the research methods used.
- Add a description of your results along with any relevant data that your audience needs.
- End with a summary of the implications of the study.
Easels and poster boards will be provided for posters. To ensure your poster fits on our boards, please limit poster size to 3’ x 4’ (36” x 48”), landscape orientation. You must print and bring your poster with you.
The symposium was first established in 2014 to bring together undergraduate students across the state to gain real-life research experience, strengthen their skill-sets, network and learn more about South Dakota graduate programs.