Teacher Grant Opportunity

Posted on: May 10, 2024   |   Categories: Announcements, News & Updates
Outreach Grant Application Web

South Dakota Biotech, in partnership with SD EPSCoR, will award grants for K-12 STEM outreach efforts in South Dakota. 

The grants can be up to $1,000 per award. South Dakota Biotech anticipates making ten or more awards depending on available funds.


The primary purpose of this grant is to enhance the quality of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education within South Dakota K-12 schools by connecting industry with the classroom. We recognize that the future demands a skilled workforce proficient in STEM, capable of tackling complex global issues, driving innovation, and sustaining economic growth.

This funding is intended to bring SD Biotech member companies (or other STEM-related companies) together with K-12 students to share information on what they do in their community, explain how a STEM activity relates to a local STEM organization, and have students assist with conducting the activity.

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