Cells in Motion

Lesson Overview

1538755728titanium Surface

The purpose of this unit is to have students explore how interactions at the molecular level influence structure and function at the macro level. Specifically, students investigate how cell adhesions to implant surfaces impact mobility and the ability of joints to withstand forces. In addition, students examine and model how images of bone cells (osteoblasts) are taken using lattice sheet light microscopy.

About the Scientist

Jevin Meyerink

Institution: South Dakota School of Mines and Technology

Hello! my name is Jevin and I am a biomedical engineer/researcher at South Dakota School of Mines & Technology (SDSM&T) where I study how cells in our bodies respond to coatings put onto implants. We are interested in learning how these cells interact to engineered surfaces and how we can use this information to make implants that speed up the healing process. In high school, I had no idea what I wanted to be. I knew that the human body really interested me, all the moving parts and how they work together blew my mind! I wanted to learn more about it and thought about going to school to be a doctor. The 8+ years of school did not sound like fun to me at the time, so maybe working in the medical field as an anesthetist or physical therapist would be a good option. After looking around, I fell in love with the Black Hills and decided to pursue a degree in applied biological sciences at SDSM&T. During this time, I worked as an undergraduate researcher for a metallurgy professor who worked with implants. This got me hooked on research and I wanted to do more. It gave me hands-on experience in what a biomedical researcher does and after graduation, I applied to be a graduate student in the biomedical engineering program with that same metallurgy professor. I completed a masters and am now pursuing a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering, even though I never thought I'd be in school for more than 4 years! I can't wait to see what's next in my future but am enjoying my time in the Black Hills of South Dakota.