Milkweed Hybridization

Lesson Overview


Students will explore the life cycle of the Monarch butterfly in terms of conservation efforts. These conservation efforts will focus on the preservation and restoration of milkweed plants; prairie plants that are endemic over the majority of the continental United States. Monarch butterflies, important pollinators, are decreasing in number at an alarming rate. This is due, in part, to the loss of habitat for numerous species of milkweed plants. Milkweed plants, as well as acting as a nursery and food source for monarch larvae, have several homeopathic uses for Native Americans. Through a video chat with a scientist from Augustana University, whose research focuses on the Milkweed plant and its hybridization along a tension zone, students will be introduced to the ongoing research being conducted on Milkweed plants (and Monarch butterflies by proxy). Using the attached Interview with a Scientist rubric, students will compose response questions for Dr. Olson-Manning regarding questions that arose during the video chat. Students will research the monarch life cycle and migration in order to begin brainstorming reasons why the Monarch population is shrinking. Students will transpose this knowledge with their newfound knowledge of milkweed plants and hypothesize ways to promote the conservation of native Milkweeds and Monarchs alike.

About the Scientist

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