Hi! My name is Marie Story and I am an 8th grade Science teacher at Whittier Middle School in Sioux Falls, SD.
I went into teaching science because I knew that many students were losing excitement and passion for science after elementary school and I wanted to change that. I love teaching science because my students are amazing! Every day they are discovering new things, sharing data, ideas, and conclusions in new and innovative ways and always teaching me.
I love learning and experiencing new things, and this passion has led me to some very unique experiences. I have created virtual field trips in the Badlands National Park, worked in the Sanford Research Lab helping to look for cures for childhood illnesses, I have traveled to Space Camp and STEM cell research trainings and even Monarch Butterfly conservation across the U.S. and even traveled internationally to learn more about science.
In Belize I worked with locals in the field to protect the Tapirs and the Manatees. In Thailand I worked with Buddhist Monks to promote conservation in local villages and in Kenya I worked with a local Maasai tribe to help conserve the lions and to promote leadership among the women in the village. This summer I will be white water rafting the Grand Canyon with a team of scientists to map climate change and then heading to Montana to work with a team of geologists and paleontologists to unearth dinosaur bones. Life is incredible being a scientist. You get to discover new things and make a difference in the world. However, I would argue that life is even better being a science teacher, because you get to discover new things and make a difference in MANY students worlds.