I tell parents that I have taught longer than their kiddos have been alive-eek! This is my 15th year teaching. I have taught 2-5th grade, including blended classes of 4th and 5th grade, which I adored because I was able to “keep” my 4th grade students as 5th graders. When I first started teaching middle school science, I taught 6th, 7th and 8th grade science. I was able to get a taste of all the strands of science AND I got to “keep” a few of my students from year to year; which was a bonus! Currently, I teach only 8th grade physical science. I love teaching eighth graders because usually, this is the first taste of physical science, including chemistry, which creates excitement, fear and curiosity! My Bachelors in K-8 Education and Masters in Educational Technology are from the University of Sioux Falls. For the last three years I have been working on my science specialist degree through Black Hills State University. In my free time I love to be outside in the sunshine!! I love hanging out and laughing with my daughter, playing with my German Shepherd, creating crafts and listening to audiobooks.
Recent Leadership and Committee Participation:
- SFSD Middle School Curriculum Pacing Committee,
- SFSD Middle School Assessment Writing Committee
- SD Science Assessment Task Committee, 2017
- SD Common Formative Assessment Committee, 2016
- SD Science Assessment Task Committee , 2015