Science and Technology Strategic Plan

Impacting South Dakota’s Economy Through the Science & Technology Strategic Plan

South Dakota’s citizens, schools, businesses, educational institutions, governmental entities, and other stakeholders recognize that science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research, an educated and skilled workforce, and an entrepreneurial business environment underpin competitiveness in the global economy.

If South Dakota is to effectively integrate a robust science and technology (S&T) strategy into the broader state economic development enterprise, the process of developing that strategy must be inclusive of all stakeholders: citizens, industry, post-secondary education, K-12 education, economic development organizations and state government.

The South Dakota Science & Technology Plan 2030 calls for South Dakota to invest in research and commercialization to drive economic growth and diversification and to educate a highly prepared science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce.

Vision: South Dakota invests in research and commercialization to drive economic growth and diversification and to educate a highly prepared STEM workforce.

Mission: Invest in developing research and commercialization activity and the technical and business skills that will enable the next generation of South Dakotans and students educated in South Dakota to build their careers and to launch and expand science- and technology-driven companies in the state.

Governance: The plan will require the leadership and coordination of: (1) the state, via the Governor’s Office of Economic Development,
(2) the industry-led South Dakota EPSCoR REACH Committee, and
(3) the vice presidents of research and research administrators of South Dakota’s six public universities and three tribal colleges.

To focus the plan, high-priority research areas were identified that build on South Dakota’s existing business and academic research strengths and leverage federal and private sector investment priorities. Expanding research activity in these areas will drive integrated and translational outcomes that increase the competitiveness of South Dakota’s key industries and advance South Dakota’s R&D leadership position nationally and globally

The South Dakota REACH Committee, along with RTI, updated the Science and Innovation Strategic Plan the South Dakota Science and Innovation Strategic Plan published in March 2025.

Dive into the plan for more information and please share with community and governance stakeholders.