REACH Committee

The South Dakota Research Excellence: A Critical Hallmark (REACH) Committee was formed in 1988 to serve as the governing body for South Dakota’s EPSCoR activities.

The REACH Committee provides oversight for — and an independent and unbiased coordination of — the SD EPSCoR initiatives:

  • Seek funding and assess the requirements for improved academic research initiatives supported by the Committee
  • Formulate programs and procedures to stimulate and maintain a sustained, viable research infrastructure in the state of South Dakota emphasizing its impact on economic development
  • Serve as an educational resource for the general populace concerning scientific research and its economic value
  • Seek to achieve competitive research in science, math, engineering, and technology transfer including the encouragement of increased entrance into such fields by the state’s youth, and
  • Serve as a catalyst to stimulate the collaboration between the federal government, state government, and industry dedicated to scientific research and infrastructure development within the state

The REACH Committee updated the state’s science and technology plan, the South Dakota Science and Innovation Strategic Plan.

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