STELAR Webinar: NSF Opportunities for Broadening Participation in STEM

The STEM Learning and Research Center (STELAR) is pleased to bring you the 3rd Annual NSF Opportunities for Broadening Participation in STEM webinar hosted by the National Science Foundation Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR). During this webinar, NSF program […]

Deadline for REU Site Proposals

Research Experiences for Undergraduates  (REU) NSF  NOTE ON THE PROPOSAL DEADLINE FOR REU SITES Two due dates are listed for REU Site proposals each year. The May deadline applies only to REU Site proposals that require access to […]

NSF Big Idea Machine Entry Deadline

The NSF 2026 Idea Machine is a competition to help set the U.S. agenda for fundamental research in science and engineering. Participants can earn prizes and receive public recognition by suggesting the pressing research questions […]

Deadline: NSF LSAMP Projects

Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation  (LSAMP) SYNOPSIS The Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program is an alliance-based program.  The program's theory is based on the Tinto model for student retention1.  The overall goal of the […]

NSF CAREER Proposal Development Workshop

Register Here To foster an increase in CAREER proposal submissions by eligible faculty from all South Dakota institutions of higher education, SD EPSCoR and the SD Board of Regents are cosponsoring an NSF CAREER Proposal […]

Deadline: Law & Social Sciences (NSF) Announcement Program Title: Law & Social Sciences (LSS) Synopsis of Program: The Law & Social Sciences Program considers proposals that address social scientific studies of law and law-like systems of rules. The Program is […]

Deadline: Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics (NSF) Announcement Program Title: Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics (MMS) Synopsis of Program: The Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics (MMS) Program is an interdisciplinary program in the Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences that supports the […]

Deadline: EarthCube (NSF) Announcement Program Title: EarthCube Synopsis of Program: EarthCube is a community-driven activity sponsored through a partnership between the NSF Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) and the Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering's (CISE) […]

Seed Fund Webinar: The NEW Project Pitch & Program Overview

For 40 years, America’s Seed Fund powered by NSF has helped startups and small businesses transform their ideas into marketable products and services. We focus on high-risk, high-impact technologies — those that show promise but […]