Browsing: Announcements

SD EPSCoR Impacts

April 19, 2018   |   Category: Announcements

SD EPSCoR Impacts for the Week of April 19, 2018: The 2018 SD EPSCoR Summer Information Technology (IT) Program offers two (three-credit hour) dual-credit college courses and a paid internship for high school juniors and seniors in […]

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Summer Information Technology Program

April 17, 2018   |   Categories: Announcements, News & Updates

The 2018 SD EPSCoR Summer Information Technology (IT) Program offers two (three-credit hour) dual-credit college courses and a paid internship for the summer.  If you are a high school junior or senior interested in gaining […]

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SD EPSCoR Impacts

April 12, 2018   |   Category: Announcements

SD EPSCoR Impacts for the Week of April 12, 2018: Advanced Remote Sensing Inc. (ARSI) has begun initial stages to pursue commercialization for precision agriculture applications and is seeking a graduate student pursuing a master’s or PhD […]

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Teaching Science in Today’s Schools

April 11, 2018   |   Categories: Announcements, News & Updates

As technology continues to evolve and become more pertinent in everyday life, it is imperative that we raise technologically responsible and cognizant citizens. Science classrooms today are often the first to reflect changes in technology, pushing the […]

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SD EPSCoR Impacts

April 5, 2018   |   Category: Announcements

SD EPSCoR Impacts for the Week of April 5, 2018: The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences has released Funding Opportunity Announcement (DE-FOA-0001897) for Building EPSCoR-State/National Laboratory Partnerships. These partnerships are to advance fundamental early-stage energy research […]

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Building EPSCoR State/National Laboratory Partnerships

April 5, 2018   |   Categories: Announcements, News & Updates

The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences has released Funding Opportunity Announcement (DE-FOA-0001897) for Building EPSCoR-State/National Laboratory Partnerships.  These partnerships are to advance fundamental early-stage energy research collaborations with the DOE national laboratories.   […]

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FY 2019 SD NASA EPSCoR Research Competition

March 27, 2018   |   Categories: Announcements, NASA EPSCoR, News & Updates

South Dakota NASA EPSCoR Program Guidelines for Submission of Pre-Proposal for Major Research Grants This is the call for pre-proposals for the FY 2019 South Dakota NASA EPSCoR Major Research Grant competition. NASA has not yet […]

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SD EPSCoR Impacts

March 22, 2018   |   Category: Announcements

SD EPSCoR Impacts for the Week of March 22, 2018: Scientists are one step closer to understanding how cells reshape their surfaces to internalize material from their surroundings, thanks to collaboration among researchers from two South […]

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State Capitol Hosts Student Researchers

March 1, 2018   |   Category: Announcements

South Dakota colleges and universities sent 12 outstanding undergraduate student researchers to the State Capitol  to share their research work with lawmakers and the public. These 12 represent students statewide who conduct research in a variety […]

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Apply Today for Cybersecurity Training!

March 1, 2018   |   Categories: Announcements, News & Updates

The gap between necessary Cybersecurity skills and the demands placed on Cybersecurity professionals is not only a challenge for the information technology industry, but also a challenge for the scientific research enterprise of the nation. […]

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