AISES Scholarship Deadline

The American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) helps students move forward in their educational journeys by providing a wide range of programs and scholarship opportunities. AISES scholarships help students acquire skills and training that […]

NIH Grant Writing Workshop

University of South Dakota Lee Medical Building 215 East Clark Street, Vermillion, SD, United States

On Wednesday, June 9th from 9am to 12:30pm, Paul Casella, MFA, will host a grant writing workshop that will focus on writing effective NIH proposals and strategies for effective medical and scientific presentations. Register now […]

FY22 Young Investigator Research Program

The Fiscal Year 2022 Air Force Young Investigator Research Program (YIP) intends to support early scientists and engineers who have received Ph.D. or equivalent degrees by April of 2014 or later showing exceptional ability and […]

Deadline to Register for Virtual DEPSCoR Day

On Wednesday, June 23, the Department of Defense will be hosting a Virtual DEPSCoR Day, starting at 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. CDT. The Virtual DEPSCoR (Defense Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) Day will […]

NASA Internships & Fellowships for FALL 2021

Hear the latest from NASA Managers on their Virtual OSTEM Internship Fall project, latest on Pathways, OSTEM, Fellowships and JPL internships. NASA Internships provide students with hands-on, project-based experiences, both stipend-paid and volunteer, that directly […]

Hands-on Citizen Science for the Classroom Workshop

SD School of Mines and Technology 501 E St Joseph St, Rapid City, SD, United States

Get equipped to integrate hands-on citizen science learning into your classroom. In this two day workshop, teachers will learn about and practice using GLOBE and iNaturalist protocols for teaching and learning about the sun's energy, […]

NRT Entrepreneurial Bootcamp for South Dakota

South Dakota's NRT (National Research Traineeship) students are encouraged to attend the NRT Entrepreneurial Bootcamp on Friday, June 25, at 8 a.m.-11 a.m. MDT/9 a.m.-noon CDT, via Zoom. Anyone interested in exploring the world of […]

K-12 Science Teacher Workshop

The education component of the NSF Track-1 project involves development of STEM K-12 curriculum modules and conducting 3-day teacher workshops. South Dakota science teachers — elementary, middle school and high school — are eligible to […]

NASA EPSCoR RID Solicitation

Every three years, NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement solicits proposals to the NASA Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Research Infrastructure Development (RID) solicitation. Each funded NASA EPSCoR proposal will focus on building the […]

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